DS RainMenu Parameters

(*) = obligatory parameter

credits (*)Applet by Dario Sciacca (www.dseffects.com)
text[1-N]menu text
link[1-N]menu URL link
seltextcolmenu select text color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
unseltextcolmenu unselect text color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
textshadowmenu text shadow (yes,no)
textfontmenu text font
textstylemenu text style
(plain,bold,italic,bold italic)
menudirmenu direction (horizontal,vertical)
loadtextload text
loadtextcolorload text color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
loadbgcolorload background color
(hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet)
image image to load (.gif or .jpg)
numraindropnumber of raindrop (100-2000)
speedrain speed (1-4)

Registration Parameters

regkeyregistration key
regtarget[1-N]frame name
(_blank,_self,_parent,_top or custom frame name)
regstatusmsg[1-N]message displayed on statusbar
when mouse is over the text

The size of the applet is determined by width and height tags


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